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TOML Configuration file

One or more TOML files can be read by passing --config config.toml multiple times. Apart from a few low level configuration variables and the database configuration, all other settings can be managed from the Settings dashboard on the admin UI.

To generate a new sample configuration file, run --listmonk --new-config

Environment variables

Variables in config.toml can also be provided as environment variables prefixed by LISTMONK_ with periods replaced by __ (double underscore). To start listmonk purely with environment variables without a configuration file, set the environment variables and pass the config flag as --config="".


Environment variable Example value
LISTMONK_app__address ""
LISTMONK_app__admin_username listmonk
LISTMONK_app__admin_password listmonk
LISTMONK_db__host db
LISTMONK_db__port 9432
LISTMONK_db__user listmonk
LISTMONK_db__password listmonk
LISTMONK_db__database listmonk
LISTMONK_db__ssl_mode disable

Customizing system templates

See system templates.

HTTP routes

When configuring auth proxies and web application firewalls, use this table.

Private admin endpoints.

Methods Route Description
* /api/* Admin APIs
GET /admin/* Admin UI and HTML pages
POST /webhooks/bounce Admin bounce webhook

Public endpoints to expose to the internet.

Methods Route Description
GET, POST /subscription/* HTML subscription pages
GET, /link/* Tracked link redirection
GET /campaign/* Pixel tracking image
GET /public/* Static files for HTML subscription pages
POST /webhooks/service/* Bounce webhook endpoints for AWS and Sendgrid
GET /uploads/* The file upload path configured in media settings

Media uploads

Using filesystem

When configuring docker volume mounts for using filesystem media uploads, you can follow either of two approaches. The second option may be necessary if your setup requires you to use sudo for docker commands.

After making any changes you will need to run sudo docker compose stop ; sudo docker compose up.

And under you put /listmonk/uploads.

Using volumes

Using docker volumes, you can specify the name of volume and destination for the files to be uploaded inside the container.

      - type: volume
        source: listmonk-uploads
        target: /listmonk/uploads



This volume is managed by docker itself, and you can see find the host path with docker volume inspect listmonk_listmonk-uploads.

Using bind mounts

      - ./path/on/your/host/:/path/inside/container
      - ./data/uploads:/listmonk/uploads
The files will be available inside /data/uploads directory on the host machine.

To use the default uploads folder:

      - ./uploads:/listmonk/uploads



sudo docker logs -f
sudo docker logs listmonk_app -t
sudo docker logs listmonk_db -t
sudo docker logs --help
Container info: sudo docker inspect listmonk_listmonk

Docker logs to /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr. The logs are collected by the docker daemon and stored in your node's host path (by default). The same can be configured (/etc/docker/daemon.json) in your docker daemon settings to setup other logging drivers, logrotate policy and more, which you can read about here.


listmonk logs to stdout, which is usually not saved to any file. To save listmonk logs to a file use ./listmonk > listmonk.log.

Settings -> Logs in admin shows the last 1000 lines of the standard log output but gets erased when listmonk is restarted.

For the service file, you can use ExecStart=/bin/bash -ce "exec /usr/bin/listmonk --config /etc/listmonk/config.toml --static-dir /etc/listmonk/static >>/etc/listmonk/listmonk.log 2>&1" to create a log file that persists after restarts. More info.

Time zone

To change listmonk's time zone (logs, etc.) edit docker-compose.yml:

    - TZ=Etc/UTC
with any Timezone listed here. Then run sudo docker-compose stop ; sudo docker-compose up after making changes.

SMTP Blocked Ports

Some server hosts block SMTP ports (25, 465) so you have to get request to unblock them i.e. Hetzner.