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listmonk is a simple binary application that requires a Postgres database instance to run. The binary can be downloaded and run manually, or it can be run as a container with Docker compose.


  1. Download the latest release and extract the listmonk binary. amd64 is the main one. It works for Intel and x86 CPUs.
  2. ./listmonk --new-config to generate config.toml. Edit the file.
  3. ./listmonk --install to install the tables in the Postgres DB (⩾ 12).
  4. Run ./listmonk and visit http://localhost:9000 to create the Super Admin user and login.


To set the Super Admin username and password during installation, set the environment variables: LISTMONK_ADMIN_USER=myuser LISTMONK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=xxxxx ./listmonk --install


The latest image is available on DockerHub at listmonk/listmonk:latest

The recommended method is to download the docker-compose.yml file, customize it for your environment and then to simply run docker compose up -d.

# Download the compose file to the current directory.
curl -LO

# Run the services in the background.
docker compose up -d

Then, visit http://localhost:9000 to create the Super Admin user and login.


To set the Super Admin username and password during setup, set the environment variables (only the first time): LISTMONK_ADMIN_USER=myuser LISTMONK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=xxxxx docker compose up -d

Mounting a custom config.toml

The docker-compose file includes all necessary listmonk configuration as environment variables, LISTMONK_*. If you would like to remove those and mount a config.toml instead:

1. Save the config.toml file on the host

address = ""

# Database.
host = "listmonk_db" # Postgres container name in the compose file.
port = 5432
user = "listmonk"
password = "listmonk"
database = "listmonk"
ssl_mode = "disable"
max_open = 25
max_idle = 25
max_lifetime = "300s"

2. Mount the config file in docker-compose.yml

    - /path/on/your/host/config.toml:/listmonk/config.toml

3. Change the --config '' flags in the command: section to point to the path

command: [sh, -c, "./listmonk --install --idempotent --yes --config /listmonk/config.toml && ./listmonk --upgrade --yes --config /listmonk/config.toml && ./listmonk --config /listmonk/config.toml"]

Compiling from source

To compile the latest unreleased version (master branch):

  1. Make sure go, nodejs, and yarn are installed on your system.
  2. git clone
  3. cd listmonk && make dist. This will generate the listmonk binary.

Release candidate (RC)

The master branch with bleeding edge changes is periodically built and published as listmonk/listmonk:rc on DockerHub. To run the latest pre-release version, replace all instances of listmonk/listmonk:latest with listmonk/listmonk:rc in the docker-compose.yml file and follow the Docker installation steps above. While it is generally safe to run release candidate versions, they may have issues that only get resolved in a general release.

Helm chart for Kubernetes

Version: 0.1.0 Type: application AppVersion: 3.0.0

A helm chart for easily installing listmonk on a kubernetes cluster is made available by community here.

In order to use the helm chart, you can configure values.yaml according to your needs, and then run the following command:

$ helm upgrade \
    --create-namespace \
    --install listmonk listmonk \
    --namespace listmonk \
    --repo \
    --values values.yaml \
    --version 0.1.0

3rd party hosting

Deploy to Elestio
Deploy on PikaPod
One-click deploy on Railway
Deploy at RepoCloud
Deploy on Sealos
Deploy on Zeabur
