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Developer setup

The app has two distinct components, the Go backend and the VueJS frontend. In the dev environment, both are run independently.


  • go
  • nodejs (if you are working on the frontend) and yarn
  • Postgres database. If there is no local installation, the demo docker DB can be used for development (docker compose up demo-db)

First time setup

git clone The project uses go.mod, so it's best to clone it outside the Go src path.

  1. Copy config.toml.sample as config.toml and add your config.
  2. make dist to build the listmonk binary. Once the binary is built, run ./listmonk --install to run the DB setup. For subsequent dev runs, use make run.

mailhog is an excellent standalone mock SMTP server (with a UI) for testing and dev.

Running the dev environment

You can run your dev environment locally or inside containers.

After setting up the dev environment, you can visit http://localhost:8080.

  1. Locally
  2. Run make run to start the listmonk dev server on :9000.
  3. Run make run-frontend to start the Vue frontend in dev mode using yarn on :8080. All /api/* calls are proxied to the app running on :9000. Refer to the frontend README for an overview on how the frontend is structured.

  4. Inside containers (Using Makefile)

  5. Run make init-dev-docker to setup container for db.
  6. Run make dev-docker to setup docker container suite.
  7. Run make rm-dev-docker to clean up docker container suite.

  8. Inside containers (Using devcontainer)

  9. Open repo in vscode, open command palette, and select "Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container".

It will set up db, and start frontend/backend for you.

Production build

Run make dist to build the Go binary, build the Javascript frontend, and embed the static assets producing a single self-contained binary, listmonk